Deadly Force

A Modified Definition of Police Violence

The other day I got a Google Scholar alert about this new article in Injury Epidemiology. It’s a descriptive study showing that 60% of police killings involve municipal departments, 29% county departments, 8% state departments, 3% federal agencies, and <1% tribal or other departments. It looked interesting (and it was!) so I downloaded the full text, and the following passage in the methods section immediately caught my eye: MPV defines fatal police violence as “any incident where a law enforcement officer (off-duty or on-duty) applies, on a civilian, lethal force resulting in the civilian being killed whether it is considered ‘justified’ or ‘unjustified’ by the U.

Unveiling the unseen: Documenting and analyzing nonfatal shootings by police

Some invited comments on an article by Julie Ward and team in AJPH

Police shootings in Canada: An empirical analysis and call for data

We analyzed police shootings in Canada (except Québec) between 2017 and 2019. Drawing upon media reports and information provided by police oversight agencies, we attempted to identify all incidents where on-duty police officers discharged their …

Police Use of Deadly Force - What We Know and What We Need to Know

My talk provides a broad overview of the research on police use of deadly force – how often it happens, where it happens, and why it happens. I'll also point out the holes in our knowledge due to data constraints. I conclude with a discussion of …

Police Killings of Unarmed Black Americans: A Reassessment of Community Mental Health Spillover Effects

Correcting 91 misclassified incidents renders Bor et al.’s (2018) key finding non-significant.