Officer-involved shootings

Domestic Disturbances and Fatal Police Shootings: An Analysis of the Washington Post’s Data

Among fatal OIS, domestic disturbances were *not* significantly more likely to involve an individual armed with a gun

Is the Number of Citizens Fatally Shot by Police Increasing in the Post-Ferguson Era?


Review of ‘‘When Police Kill’’

My brief review of Frank Zimring’s book on police use of deadly force.

A Bird’s Eye View of Civilians Killed by Police in 2015: Further Evidence of Implicit Bias

Further analysis of WAPO data - while limited - is suggestive of implicit bias in fatal officer-involved shootings

Running List of My Conference Presentations

Rather than continue listing conference presentations ad nauseum on my CV, I’ve decided to archive them here. For some of these, you can download the presentation by clicking the “Slides” link that appears after the presentation title. Note that a * indicates the co-author is a graduate student. ➡️ Jump to: American Society of Criminology, American Sociological Association, Southern Criminal Justice Association Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 60th Annual Meeting: National Harbor, MD Mourtgos, Scott*, Ian Adams, & Justin Nix (2023).