Sexual Assault

ViCAP usage and viability for sexual assault investigations: Findings from a survey of SAKI sites

In 2018, the Bureau of Justice Assistance Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) began mandating SAKI funding awardees submit eligible cases to the Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP), a database which allows for the identification and …

Minnesota Sexual Assault Kit Research Project

Objectives To collaborate with the BJA-funded SAKI site in Minnesota to examine the outcomes of the SAKI initiative (e.g., reducing the number of previously untested SAKs; enhancing victim satisfaction, participation, and empowerment; increasing the number of DNA profiles uploaded to CODIS/ViCAP; identifying serial offenders) as well as the processes by which the initiative produced the outcomes (i.e., increased interagency collaboration, development of best practices for victim notification processes). In addition, we propose conducting a cost-benefit analysis of the funds invested to test, investigate, and prosecute untested SAKs in Minnesota relative to the potential costs savings of preventing future crimes through testing SAKs.